Hello, recently I have started working with Acelanceloet on an old proposal from the 1970s. When Iowa's were recommissioned there were several proposals that were examined and ultimately scrapped, among these is the little known "Alternative 4". Alternative 4 was to be a massive change to Iowa's, it involved removing ALL the 16" AND 5" guns, and replacing all with 424 VLS cells. While very little is known about this proposal, what we managed to work out was that all the VLS would be placed in the extended aft superstructure, with 3 x 61 VLS and 1 x 29 VLS on each side. Phalanx and SH-60's were to be present as they would have entered service in the 1980s. Ultimately this proposal was dropped for numerous reasons, mainly because the cost of refitting them would be equivalent to building a new Nimitz-class carrier, and the Marine Corps was not happy about losing the big guns to Tomahawks. It is also interesting to note, there was also an AEGIS version planned, known as Alternative 4A. While I can not guarantee this drawing is accurate, it does display maintains all the major modifications. I would also like to say a big thank you to Acelanceloet for all his help and support. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png
(Open link for image)