
Japanese Protected Cruiser Tone
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Author:  Trainspite [ June 22nd, 2019, 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Japanese Protected Cruiser Tone

Posting the first real ship I have drawn after the real life challenge, the protected cruiser Tone of the IJN.

Tone, April 1910
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Tone is shown here about a month before commissioning while on trials, where she achieved a speed of 23.368 knots. From the photographs, the most obvious differences are the lack of gun-shields for her 152mm/45 main armament, and the absence of the spotting top.

Tone, 1911
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Very minor changes from the challenge post, Tone shown near as completed, while attending the coronation review of King George V. Armament is 2x 152mm, 10x 120mm, 2x 76mm, 3x 457mm TT and 2x 6.5mm Maxim machine guns (not shown).

Tone, 1918
In Progress~

Tone, 1925?
Research phase.

Tone appeared to have relatively few modifications before being expended as a target off Okinawa in 1933, although I have seen it mentioned that two further 76mm were added. Feedback and any extra sources would be greatly appreciated!

Author:  Colombamike [ June 23rd, 2019, 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Japanese Protected Cruiser Tone

Trainspite wrote: *
Feedback and any extra sources would be greatly appreciated!
Your guns look wrong for me
Use this ;)
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Author:  BB1987 [ June 23rd, 2019, 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Japanese Protected Cruiser Tone

Mike the 152mm guns you have marked in the IJN parts sheet are the 40-caliber. Tone fitted the -45 caliber, which unfortunately I only have in casemate mounts, not the pedestal.

Author:  Trainspite [ June 23rd, 2019, 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Japanese Protected Cruiser Tone

I used the 120mm/40 from the parts sheet, but fitted the gun shield to it.

The 152mm/45 pedestal mount doesn't seem that well photographed and only four ships ever used it, but I think I got the shape approximately right.

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