I've had this one for a long time stewing and brewing on my virtual desk. I finally decided that it needs to be posted. It is a thorough update and, one might perhaps say, renovation of MConrads drawing of the Belgian Navy's first true surface combatants worthy of the name. the handsomely sleek and lithe Wielingen-class. Four vessels were built: Wielingen herself (F910); Westdiep (911), Wandelaar (F912) and the unlucky Westhinder (F913). They were all named after major Belgian watery arteries, featured a well-balanced armament with a very dry and stable hull.
Of the four sisters, only three remain in service today. The hapless Westhinder was damaged in an excercise, in 1993, and struck off the navy list, after having been decommissioned, as a fiscal cost reduction.
The others were sold to Bulgaria between 2004-8; the last ship sold was the depicted Westdiep, now renamed Gordi.
So, without further ado; here's the revised E-71 class. Note that the MM38 Exocet canisters are wholly new; so is the 375 mm ASW rocket launcher forward. I also have added an underwater hull. The Gordi will follow soon.