
North Carolina class battleship
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Author:  BB1987 [ May 8th, 2014, 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

paul_541 wrote:
Colosseum wrote:
Re: South Dakota class... well I'm not sure that will be happening any time soon. ;) I have more of a mind to revise my Fletcher DDs and also the Iowas.
I just had buy the Robert F. Sumrall's book about the Iowa class battleship and I am actually reworking my 1980's New Jersey version. Also, I would possibly do as you some WW2 and postwar versions but if you want I can help you... :)
Hi Paul (and sorry Colo for partially hijacking your thread.), in case you are interested or willing to do the 1980s fit of USS Iowa herself (as new Jersey was different from her sisters because of her Vietnam War service) I had collected a fair amount of pictures when I visited her last summer, and I've gathered them here on Shipbucket too: ... =17&t=4327

Author:  Colosseum [ May 8th, 2014, 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

I've already got the Sumrall book and would likely be using that to revise the second world war BB-61 class drawings if I decide to take on that project at all... ;)

Again, I'm not interested in post-war refits. Those are entirely up to you guys to do - that has always been my policy to ensure I have a reasonable "target" to work towards.

Author:  Colosseum [ May 14th, 2014, 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Another revision... this time to the camouflage of the August 1941 variant:

[ img ]

Confirmed via discussions with the fine folks over at the Ship Model Forum that BB-55 was painted in a "non-standard" version of Measure 2, with 5-D still on the hull and 5-O and early 5-L on the superstructure. Given the photographs I've seen, I think this is probably the most accurate paint scheme for this date I'm able to come up with.

Author:  Wolfman [ May 14th, 2014, 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Very nice work!

Author:  emperor_andreas [ May 14th, 2014, 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship likey! :)

Author:  Colosseum [ May 20th, 2014, 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

First iteration of USS Washington (BB-56). This is the ship as it appeared right after commissioning as it began its military trials (which lasted until December of 1941). Notable is the complete lack of radar (the CXAM-1 had not yet been fitted), as well as the lack of main battery Mk.38 directors. Also interesting is the "boat farm" amidships, a practice that was quickly ended after the Solomons battles showed what a huge fire hazard a large boat complement was...

1.1" quad mounts have not yet been fitted, but their tubs are present. Whip antennae attached to the smoke pipes have had their mounts and lead-ins fitted, but no antenna has been mounted yet.

[ img ]

As built, the ship went to sea with a "3-4-4-3" propeller blade arrangement - three bladed propellers on the outboard shafts, and four bladed propellers inboard. This caused very problematic vibration at speeds higher than 20 knots. During this timeframe, BB-55 had been sent to sea to begin trials and get "into action" immediately. Washington was used as a testbed for propeller combinations which would eventually be fitted to both ships. By December of 1941, BB-56 was fitted with a "4-5-5-4" arrangement. This reduced vibration to a manageable level, but the two North Carolina class ships were encouraged not to travel faster than 23 knots for long periods of time. The problematic vibration led to the angular bracing characteristic of this class on the aft Mk.38 main battery director towers. Washington's bracing differed slightly from North Carolina's and this will be reflected on future drawings.

There will be several more versions of this ship to come...

Author:  TimothyC [ May 20th, 2014, 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Very nice, but right now you are showing a 4-3-3-4 blade configuration, not the 3-4-4-3 you note in the text.

Author:  Colosseum [ May 20th, 2014, 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship


Author:  emperor_andreas [ May 20th, 2014, 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Very nice work!

Author:  BB1987 [ May 20th, 2014, 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Looks great.

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