
North Carolina class battleship
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Author:  emperor_andreas [ May 2nd, 2014, 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship


Author:  Hood [ May 2nd, 2014, 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Impressive work, the wonky paintjob looks, er, wonky, but all these versions look really great.

Author:  Rowdy36 [ May 2nd, 2014, 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

These are great - both informative and impeccably drawn :)

Author:  maomatic [ May 3rd, 2014, 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Outstanding work!

Author:  Colosseum [ May 4th, 2014, 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

[ img ]

After BB-55's torpedo damage (suffered during the summer of 1942), the ship returned to Pearl Harbor for repair. All 1.1" quads were removed and replaced with 40mm Bofors. The aft Mk.37 director received a Mk.4 radar on the long support struts. SG surface search radar was added on both masts, with the foremast being heightened to allow the SG to "see" over the forward Mk.38 director. Notable are the early fire control radars on the main battery Mk.38 directors: Mk.3 Mod.1 on the rear director, and Mk.3 Mod.2 on the forward director.

The ship is painted in Measure 21 (overall Navy Blue 5-N).

New parts for this version of the ship: CXAM-1 air search radar (drawn to the best of my abilities despite a complete lack of solid reference material...) and the Mk.3 fire control radar series (both the 6x6' square Mod.1 and the 12x3' oblong Mod.2).

Author:  erik_t [ May 4th, 2014, 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

What sort of reference material have you found for CXAM-1? I can dig through my files and see if I've got anything useful.

Great drawing; in general, I'm loving the attention to detail in regards to the electronics fit. It was a crazy and rapidly-changing time...

Author:  emperor_andreas [ May 4th, 2014, 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Very nice work!

Author:  Colosseum [ May 4th, 2014, 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Thanks guys.

Re: CXAM-1, I got the dimensions from Naval Radar, which cites "17' x 18'" for the antenna of CXAM - it frustratingly does not specify the dimensions of CXAM-1. Admittedly I went with the Naval Radar dimensions, which may not have been advisable... though I can't find anything other than "17' x 17'" for the CXAM-1 anywhere else - and have to admit I don't trust a lot of the sources available online.

This had me second-guessing the SK drawing, too, which doesn't come anywhere close to the 17x17' dimensions specified in Naval Radar. Annoyingly, I can't remember my reasoning behind drawing SK the way I did - though I do remember spending a lot of time getting it to a state that I felt was "just right" (this was during the Alaska drawing trail of tears project). Anyway, any new sources on CXAM-1 would be great. I almost called up the National Archives to see if I could hire a researcher to get me some good information on it...

At the end of the day we are fussing over one or two pixels at most. I think I am slowly going insane...

Author:  Colombamike [ May 4th, 2014, 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

For your November 1942 version :
- The amiship quadruple 40mm mounting (and this sponson) does not exist at this time (it will be installed in 1943)
- All the quadruple 40mm mounts do not yet have their shield (installed by early 1943 I think)
I found some photos that proves that ...

Author:  Colosseum [ May 4th, 2014, 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Carolina class battleship

Please - would love to see as many photos of this fit as possible. They are sparse (at least from what I can find online).
- The amiship quadruple 40mm mounting (and this sponson) does not exist at this time (it will be installed in 1943)
Actually am now seeing I had a note in my PSD file to replace this 40mm mount (on the searchlight platform immediately aft of the amidships Mk.37 director) with a 20mm Oerlikon in a tub... but seems I overlooked it during the redraw... corrected version to come...
- All the quadruple 40mm mounts do not yet have their shield (installed by early 1943 I think)
I had my suspicions on this as well... and now that I look at my one good 11/42 closeup, it should have been obvious. Stay tuned for a revised edition shortly...

Thanks Mike.

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