Excellent end product! The stern now looks spot-on clean and tidy! One thing, however, to make the overall presentation more pleasing: if you take a look at my and others drawings with badges or crests attached, you'll notice that they're affixed to the left (looking forward-aft) of the ship and lifted either Evelyn with ship or above it, depending on the size of the crest. In your case, your badge is not that big that it'll fit far off to the left, but rather should be positioned just to the right of the name and country tag. Right now the image is sort of spoiled by the fact that the amazing looking crest is kinda floating in the air. Hopefully I made some sense of this rambling...
otherwise your ship and the crest are beautifully executed!
Well, I sticked with 'badge place' given by the template, although to be honest I wasn't satisfied with the place either. I moved it, do think it looks better now?