Now maybe update for ORP Bliskawika and ORP Grom.
ORP Orkan (ex-HMS Myrmidon) can be modified from HMS Loyal here which I did some time ago.
Also note that I'm planing to make HMS Delhi (AAW version of D class cruisers), and that means I'm going to make one of the other 'D' class (I'll leave for you to modify as ORP Dragoon or ORP Conrad)
Thats a good idea, thank you Novice.
Also I will change 1918 - 1939 to 1945
PS: ORP Błyskawica ... but close enough.
In sense, the Orginal Grom drawing is pure Shipbucket history as it was first ever "old" destroyer in the old Bucket, and seccond only pre-WWII ship after Väinämöinen. It wasen't untill Colloseum started to drawn the USN destroyers that the style really got to devolp more properly for these type of ships.
Amazing, first true old destroyer in shipbucket history. Well, this ship deserve it.
You have couple of errors, check this:
I like the Grom, and I allways wanted to see the Bliskawika as armed with 4" guns.