CraigH could you shade the hull different, for now the shading tell us that this is an bathtub and not an fast sailing ship. if you are shading the hull, then you shade where the hull is 45 degrees. if you don't know the shape of the hull, then you should use the simple shading rule. we have shown that around on the forum many time, and we have also the new made Shipbucket style rules.
This is how you'r shading tells us how that sail ship hull looks like:
Remember shading is for 45 degree and overhang.
BTW, that black hull shading look wrong, and out of place, now it look green. when shading you shall use an color darker then the original color.
The shading on those life boats is an no-standard shipbucket shading and that is an Very big NONO here in shipbucket.
The colors in that flag specially shading look nothing like in the real world.