one problem: I heard the gun was replaced (and the pictures show it even removed) I have no pictures or intel about the new gun, so I placed this one on it for now, as I am currently drawing the 2010 version. another one (as build) will be coming too, but might take some time.
thanks for posting the pictures, but I had them all, and they are all from the wrong side! (the other side is rather different)
No offence, but apart from showing the hull below the waterline I can't detect anything to warrant a new drawing. I would suggest marrying the new hull to Miho's original drawing, maybe tidying up the radar (if that is required) and appending your name after his.
I only have worked further on DP's work, but placed over each other there are quite a lot of differences. but it is true, most of it is detailing. still, most parts of miho's original would be redone, so it would be an entirely new ship anyway.... but I promise, after this one I will only redraw the holland (when the real one is finished, I will finish the shipbucket one, it is 60% now) and I will fix the Pelikaan (2) after that I will only do ships that are not drawn yet for some time.......
but if miho doesn't want that I do this ship, I will stop working on it and send it over to him. no way I am going to start a battle like on the LCF, but I want to make this ship of the same quality!
any other comments? (or help with the gun)