the radar is an new drawing of the APAR, not the S1850M. although I am not sure about the good dimensions either.... do you have some refs? (also for my 3d model of it)
on most other points I agree with you, mitch is apparently redrawing all modern Dutch combat ships instead of modifying. in case of the Rotterdam and JDW I understand that, but in this case......
I also agree that the THALES renders aren't good enough to base this on, even for the outlines there are mistakes in it.
It's a S1850M antenna only with texture added to the antenna face. I drew the thing myself, for the British Daring, I know what I'm talking about. And the S1850M antenna is larger and of a different shape than SMART-L.
The Rotterdam (as I did it) was never a really serious drawing. It was made for a game, not for shipbucket. It was later extensively reworked by others, but the base was never a serious effort. Ironically enough, the Rotterdam was based upon... A Thales render.
The funniest thing is that he apparently "reworked" the M-frigate... and promptly bolloxed up the hangar. In the original picture the Goalkeeper is on a slightly raised part of the hangar, and on his hangar, that raised part is missing. But that's wrong...
If you go around being all high and mighty about how accurate your reworkings are, you shouldn't fuck up things like that.
Thanks for the updates, but that SM-3 shouldn't be there. The ship might be able to fire it, but the Dutch navy doesn't have them in the inventory.
And yeah, great to be back. First thing I see is this...