Thank you guys. The all-around-view really was a lot of work to draw. @ Syzmo: I guess there are not many people that draw front views because it's not really part of the SB-Style and maybe even more because it is a hell of work, especially if you change some details on the drawing you have to chang...
Thanks for all your comments. I appreciate it. @ TimothyC: I'm not really good at drawing perspectively and I'm not a ship expert so the front view is maybe a bit off but the rest should give a good impression of the design.
This is my first upload to the Shipbucket Forum, even though I've been lurking a pretty long time on the forum. I would like to hear what you guys think about it. The ship is basically a combination of the German F125 and the Danish Absalon class designs, emphasising AAW and land attack capability f...