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 Forum: Real Designs  Topic: MCMVs, Tide Class and Type 31e concept

 Post subject: Re: MCMVs, Tide Class and Type 31e concept Posted: March 16th, 2018, 3:41 am 

Replies: 15
Views: 17172

fyi the current Leander concept has an 8 cell Mk41 silo amidships.

it's doubtful that it will make it onto the final ship, but at the moment it is there

 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: SEA 5000 RAN Future Frigate Program Concepts

 Post subject: Re: SEA 5000 RAN Future Frigate Program Concepts Posted: December 6th, 2017, 10:41 am 

Replies: 19
Views: 39326

if the FREMM proposal is based on the Italian hull rather then the French one, it's possible that it has the Navantia design beat on the helicopter front, as it has two hangars, one of which can house an AW-101.

 Forum: FD Scale Drawings  Topic: FD scale Never Built Designs

 Post subject: Re: FD scale Never Built Designs Posted: October 21st, 2017, 3:19 pm 

Replies: 973
Views: 1326373

iirc the F-15G proposal had the SEAD electronics in a pair of wingtip pods not in a fairing under the nose.

 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: New RN Frigates

 Post subject: Re: New RN Frigates Posted: October 20th, 2017, 2:54 pm 

Replies: 112
Views: 480000

Considering that all BMT can realistically bring to the table is the Venator design it looks like it's gonna be Venator Vs Cutlass/leander.

 Forum: Non-Shipbucket Drawings  Topic: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept

 Post subject: Re: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept Posted: October 18th, 2017, 9:47 pm 

Replies: 61
Views: 2856694

Yeah, I understand that. The DDG 85 to DDG 106 don't even have the part of the superstructure that should house the forward CIWS. But, out of nowhere, from the DDG106 up, they again, added the superstructure part, but without the CIWS. So is the Phalanx CIWS so, let's say, cost ineffective that add...

 Forum: Non-Shipbucket Drawings  Topic: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept

 Post subject: Re: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept Posted: October 18th, 2017, 7:42 pm 

Replies: 61
Views: 2856694

One thing tho, while I'm here, Do you happen to know why is the new Burkes shipped without the front CIWS? Even tho the "slot" is there? I read somewhere that its cost-saving measure, but a 20 million Phalanx on 1.8 billion warship, seems like a quite a drop in the ocean. cost and weight for a brie...

 Forum: Non-Shipbucket Drawings  Topic: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept

 Post subject: Re: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept Posted: October 18th, 2017, 7:10 pm 

Replies: 61
Views: 2856694

they welded a strengthening beam along the hull at main deck level and called it a day. QED. "That" simple fix raised issues and showed a design flaw. but it didn't require a major rework or "reframing" there was a much much easier fix was it a 100% solution? no, but was it a 99% solution, yes

 Forum: Non-Shipbucket Drawings  Topic: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept

 Post subject: Re: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept Posted: October 17th, 2017, 9:50 pm 

Replies: 61
Views: 2856694

Well on the Spruances i imagine the VLS refit required slicing out sections of some of the transverse and longitudinal frames.

but i dunno how that qualifies as "reframing" any more then it does removing a section of the ship's fabric which was now simultaneously redundant and "in the way".

 Forum: Non-Shipbucket Drawings  Topic: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept

 Post subject: Re: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept Posted: October 17th, 2017, 7:50 pm 

Replies: 61
Views: 2856694

Or that new British destroyer that made an Atlantic speed run to show up the Americans and prove that British shipwrights had the right stuff? Wrinkled hull plates. Back to the builders to be reframed. By new do you mean the Type 42 Batch IIIs? Because the problems with the actual new British destr...

 Forum: Non-Shipbucket Drawings  Topic: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept

 Post subject: Re: Arleigh Burke Flight III - 3D concept Posted: October 16th, 2017, 1:59 pm 

Replies: 61
Views: 2856694

so you're using the example of the structural issues of lengthening lightly built and already in many cases structurally weak cargo ships to infer the design issues with the lengthening of ships which are by design very structurally strong? there is also the subject of lengthening during design and ...
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