I revised L1 Barcelona, former L52 Castilla, including some improves recomended by Acelanceloet. in the electronics aperance I also removed the obsolet UH1/AB205. For Catalan army aviation EC332/EC532.
I have already finished a refit of a Galicia/Amsterdam class LPD, former SNS L52 Castilla, as refited to enter in service as L1 Barcelona. It includes 6 LC-1E landing barges or similar. http://jaume1e.deviantart.com/art/CNS-LPD-L1-Barcelona-519324950 Her on on service will provide long range desploy...
Type 212 SSK http://jaume1e.deviantart.com/art/Marina-Catalana-SSK-CNS-S01-Narcis-Monturiol-516485469?ga_submit_new=10%253A1424905127 Progress you guessed correctly the name for her . ;) Normally a ship either: A Submarine, corvette, the Oiler or a OPV. Are part of catalan Contribution to SNMG2 as p...
Some nice ships you've got there. But a small advice, you should save them as png and not jpeg. Right now they are full of pixels. Thanks I will. Navy plans for the period are recomission Former SNSs Patiño and Galicia are being refit and returned. To provide logistic support and allow Catalan Navy...
Expansion phase. The Defense White paper 2023-2028, review. Proposed the guidelines a for gradual armed forces expansion from 9000 to 18000, while the reserves would grew from 6000 to 15000, QRF reserves would be created and raised to 4500. At that period end. The number of men and women in the arm...