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 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts

 Post subject: Re: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts Posted: February 29th, 2016, 8:44 am 

Replies: 112
Views: 79540

The Fijis were always a very cramped design (trying for a Southampton within the 1936 London Treaty 8000ton limit.)
The Tigers, like Superb, had a couple of feet more beam.

 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts

 Post subject: Re: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts Posted: February 26th, 2016, 9:15 am 

Replies: 112
Views: 79540

@Hood "Although the hull forms were probably based on earlier work, these were not direct descendants from the Colony class or the Minotaurs." Minotaur 1947 was 645'wl x 75, while GW96 at 675 x 80 was slightly slimmer (Fineness ratios 8.6 and 8.44) It was RN practice to start a design with a known h...

 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts

 Post subject: Re: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts Posted: February 22nd, 2016, 8:58 am 

Replies: 112
Views: 79540

Great drawings but I don't understand: "Armour protection was 1.5in side and deck except for the machinery areas which had 1in deck armour and the AIO which had 1in side and deck plating." What is all that thin armour supposed to stop? Do you mean the machinery spaces have 1.5in sides and 1in deck? ...

 Forum: Real Designs  Topic: French Heavy Cruiser Algérie

 Post subject: Re: French Heavy Cruiser Algérie Posted: February 19th, 2016, 9:09 am 

Replies: 43
Views: 28115

@Krakatoa "The UK went the other way and removed armament to produce the York class to keep the ships within the treaty displacement." All RN Treaty cruisers were built within the 10,000 ton limit, but none were built after 1930 as the RN had by then already built up to the new limit on their number...

 Forum: Real Designs  Topic: French Heavy Cruiser Algérie

 Post subject: Re: French Heavy Cruiser Algérie Posted: February 18th, 2016, 8:29 am 

Replies: 43
Views: 28115

"With all due respect mightn’t we continue this discussion in a separate thread? " If 'the discussion' is how good a cruiser was Algerie compared to others, it seems OK here. If 'the discussion' is what was in the Washington Treaty, differences of opinion can be resolved by a careful reading of the ...

 Forum: Real Designs  Topic: French Heavy Cruiser Algérie

 Post subject: Re: French Heavy Cruiser Algérie Posted: February 17th, 2016, 8:59 am 

Replies: 43
Views: 28115

The technical limits on 10,000ton 8in gun cruisers were the same under the three treaties. What differed were the limits on how many each navy could have and build, and when. Washington, no treaty limits on numbers (practical limits because of costs, and comparisons with other navies) London 1930, l...

 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts

 Post subject: Re: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts Posted: February 1st, 2016, 10:35 am 

Replies: 112
Views: 79540

@Hood " 528lb shell" ?? Typo I suppose. If not, I've got the gun design story somewhere .....

 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts

 Post subject: Re: Royal Navy Sea Slug Cruisers & Escorts Posted: January 31st, 2016, 9:28 am 

Replies: 112
Views: 79540

@Krakatoa If the 5.25s were seriously intended, where they were taken from would depend on the mounting - which would depend on what was below decks. The Didos had long-trunk mountings down to the low-placed magazines. KGVs had the original short trunks. The Vanguard's RP10 Mark I* mountings had a l...

 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: Heavy cruiser Duquesne aircraft carrier conversion proposal

 Post subject: Re: Heavy cruiser Duquesne aircraft carrier conversion propo Posted: January 14th, 2016, 9:39 am 

Replies: 12
Views: 15655

@Emperor Andreas Don't forget HMS Cavendish/Vindictive. Completed: 19 October 1918. Commissioned: 1 October 1918. Renamed: June 1918 from HMS Cavendish. Reclassified: Aircraft Carrier, then returned to cruiser. These heavy cruiser hulls are a bit small to make effective carriers, but the Duquesne dr...

 Forum: Real Designs  Topic: Abdiel Class Minelayer, HMS Ariadne (M65) 1943

 Post subject: Re: Abdiel Class Minelayer, HMS Ariadne (M65) 1943 Posted: December 9th, 2015, 8:45 am 

Replies: 10
Views: 9051

There is a new book on the Abdiels: "Very Special Ships" by Arthur Nicholson Seaforth/Naval Institute Press
Also Manxman disguised as "Essen" for a film. ... id=1540006
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